Stanford Biosciences Affirmation
As I embark on my career as a scientist, I willingly pledge that:
I will practice and support a scientific process that is based on logic, intellectual rigor,
personal integrity, and an uncompromising respect for truth;
I will perform my professional activities and interactions with scientific integrity and respect
for the field and my peers;
I will acknowledge that science involves failures and can be frustrating, thus I will treat
myself and my colleagues with kindness and compassion as we deal with temporary
setbacks on the path to progress.
I will acknowledge my role as an ambassador of science to the public, and strive to be
honest, respectful, and unbiased while engaging the public;
I will never let the potential for personal recognition, profit or advancement cause me to act
in a way that violates the public trust in science or in me as a scientist;
I will foster a community that is inclusive of all and recognize that diversity cultivates
innovation, creativity, and progress;
I will acknowledge and honor the contributions of scientists who have preceded me and
become a worthy role model deserving of respect by those who follow me;
And I will always be cognizant that my work is for the advancement of knowledge and the
benefit of all humanity and our world.
Adapted from:
Molecular Cell, Volume 71, Issue 6, 20 September 2018, Pages 879-881, Author Kelsey E. Bettridge, Ashley L. Cook, Roy C. Ziegelstein, Peter J. Espenshade,